

SUNSHINE, ADRIA, NATURE -Beach vacation at an affordable price! 


As part of our pre-booking campaign, we provide a 20% discount for all pre- and post-season bookings received until February 29. If you pay the full price in advance for an additional 5% discount, you can now book your summer accommodation for up to 25% in total!

In the pre- and post-season, you can relax at a discounted price but in summer time, these are the most ideal times for those who love hiking and exercise.

saját lagunás tengerpart
kiváló szolgáltatások
sportolási lehetőségek
természet közelsége 
kutyabarát szállás


Localita Belvedere, 27, 30051 GRADO Pineta Camping Village




Kiadó mobilházunk a Budapesttől 600km-re, az észak-olasz Adria tengerpartján fekvő Grado közvetlen közelében, természetvédelmi területen, saját tengerparttal, medencével, éttermekkel, bolttal és sportpályákkal rendelkező, 4*-os kempingben található.

The fully equipped, air-conditioned 2-bedroom, 5+1-person mobile home with covered terrace is located in Belvedere Camping, located on the Italian coast, in a beautiful forested area, with the Grado peninsula almost at your fingertips, but Venice, Trieste, Padua and the surrounding wonderful Italian and Slovenian towns are also within easy reach both by car and by public transport.

Udine 25km - Trieste 50km - Venice 140km - Milan 320km - Piran 120km - Ljubljana 145km


Private beach

The campsite's private lagoon beach is a few minutes walk from the mobile home, where it is also possible to rent beach equipment, and the beach buffet offers delicious pizza, ice cream and cold drinks.

Swimming pool

The free-to-use swimming pool of the campsite was designed under the shady trees, which provides both children and adults with a pleasant refreshment on hot summer days.


In the restaurant located in the campsite, you can taste delicious and tasty Italian food, but it is also possible to take away locally made pizza.


In the store located a few steps from the mobile home, you can find a lot of fresh and tasty food, but also all the necessary equipment for relaxation can be found in the store.

Sports fields

Sports enthusiasts will find almost everything in the camping area. Free-to-use tennis courts, mini golf courses, ping-pong tables, soccer fields and a volleyball court await those who want to do sports, but the beautiful nature reserve is also worth hiking or even cycling around the area.

Equipped mobile home

In the air-conditioned mobile home with a terrace, you can find all the usual equipment in apartments, a fully equipped kitchenette and a private shower and separate toilet. For a fee, it is also possible to use a washing machine in the camping area.

Informative prices, booking conditions

Opening date: 2024.05.05.
The mobile home is rented as a private individual, so we can only accept inquiries and reservations via the provided contacts (phone, e-mail, messenger).

The mobile home can be booked for a minimum of 3 nights in pre-season and post-season (between 05.05-06.15 and from 08.31). In high season(06.15-08.31), with arrival and departure on Saturday, for 7-night periods.

Our discounts - early booking, two-week booking, advance payment, last minute offers, etc. details - we can negotiate during the reservation.

Pre- and post-season (05.05-06.15 és 08.31-09.21)

40-80 €/éj

High season (06.15 - 08.31)

90-120 €/éj 

Attractions in the area


Észak-Olaszország keleti csücskében, a Trieszti-öbölben fekvő gyönyörű kisváros, melyet kis Velencének is neveznek. A térség leghíresebb fürdőhelyeinek egyike, ahol több homokos strand, hangulatos sétálóutcák, bárok, éttermek táláhatóak.   


Kikötőváros Észak-Olaszországban, az Adriai-tenger és Szlovénia között. A város környéke a történelem során latin, szláv és germán kultúrák találkozási pontja volt. Gradoból menetrend szerint közlekedő hajóval is megközelíthető.


Ókori római eredetű város alig 10 km-re a Belvedere Pineta kempingtől, a Natissa folyó partján. Észak-Olaszország egyik legjelentősebb archeológiai lelőhelye.



Ha kérdésed van, szabad időpont iránt érdeklődsz, vagy konkrét időpontra szeretnéd lefoglalni a mobilházat, kérlek vedd fel velünk a kapcsolatot az elérhetőségeink egyikén! 

e-mail: kapcsolat@gradoholiday.hu
tel.: +36 70 741 8225


A4-es autópálya PALMANOVA
kijárat (18 km) GPS koordináták:
N 45° 43' 35'' E 13° 23' 59''

Cervignano-Aquileia-Grado állomás
(12 km) kapcsolat busszal

Trieszt-Ronchi dei Legionari repülőtér (18 km)